9 dicembre 2013: Anno Europeo dell’Aria

conferenza di chiusura dell’Anno europeo di Air, con la presenza di Janez Potočnik, commissario europeo per l’Ambiente

Con il patrocinio di Janez Potočnik, commissario europeo per l’Ambiente
Lunedi’, 9 dicembre 2013, la Federazione ATMO Francia , in collaborazione con ASPA – ATMO – Alsazia organizza la conferenza di chiusura dell’Anno europeo di Air in presenza di Janez Potočnik.

Sarà l’occasione per fare il punto sull’anno europeo di Air ha lanciato l’8 gennaio a Bruxelles e proseguito con la consultazione delle parti interessate , riflessioni sulle nuove direttive Air , Settimana verde 2013 dedicato all’aria , ecc e si svolge più in generale in un contesto di difficoltà tecniche, finanziarie e sociali per affrontare le sfide europee di qualità dell’aria .

ATMO Francia rappresenta le 27 organizzazioni regionali di valutazione della qualità dell’aria accreditati presso il Ministero dello Sviluppo Sostenibile francese . Essi svolgono un ruolo centrale per la realizzazione di diagnosi locale condiviso e programmi di azione di mitigazione concertate con un approccio di aria clima-energia come viene promosso dall’Unione Europea .


Under the patronage of Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment On Monday, 9 December 2013, the ATMO France Federation in partnership with ASPA – ATMO-Alsace organises the closing conference of the European Year of Air in the presence of Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment.

It will be the opportunity to take stock on the European Year of Air launched on January 8 in Brussels and continued with consultation of the parties involved, reflections on new Air Directives, Green Week 2013 devoted to air, etc. And it takes place more generally in a context of technical, financial and social difficulties to meet European air quality challenges.

ATMO France represents the 27 regional organisations of air quality assessment accredited by the French Ministry of Sustainable Development. They play a central role for the construction of local shared diagnosis and concerted mitigation action programs with an approach air-climate-energy as it is promoted by the European Union.

For these reasons, the conference’s theme is: “CLEANER AIR FOR ALL – ALL FOR CLEANER AIR, shared diagnoses and concerted actions”

This conference will contribute to stimulate and encourage a dialogue and to build a better common vision amongst the broad range of actors and different stakeholders involved: scientists, experts on environment and health and public authorities (European, national and regional), emitters, citizen representatives, etc. Consequently, stakeholders will be invited to present and debate during the congress, namely representatives of the European Commission, of the European Parliament, European agencies, Ministries in charge of air quality, citizens organisations, industry, transport, agriculture. the World Health Organization (WHO), the research program APHEIS/APHEKOM, the European Respiratory Society, indoor air quality organizations, air quality assessment experts, authorities in charge of air quality and climate protection plans, etc.


